About Me

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Cape Town, South Africa
I am currently employed as a political risk analyst and digital media manager at the British public company, red24, a leading global crisis management assistance company. In 2013 I graduated cum laude from the University of Stellenbosch with a master’s degree in International Studies. During my studies, I was a member of the MIH Media Lab, measuring public sentiment on democracy through Twitter. As part of my university studies, I took part in academic exchanges to the Sciences-Po grande école in Paris and the University of Hong Kong. Prior to my master’s degree, I finished my bachelor’s degree in Value and Policy Studies in 2010. I see myself as a global citizen.

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Friday, April 30, 2010

Somali Pirates, Seacom Cables, Angolan Oil Pipelines and Stellenbosch University

Now the most inquisitive among you have probably, just by reading the heading of this bog entry, already figured out the correlation between these words and will soon get back to saving the world, sex with models or whatever important things you do. Still I am going to indulge myself and continue to explain the obvious. But enough Meta text let us get down to the facts.

As if Angola does not have enough problems the local marine life has decided to launch a violent coup against the oil pipelines. The fish must have noticed that these pipes are slowly desolating and de-fouling their precious Atlantic aquatic existence. Some marlins have decided that the sword is mightier than the pen and viciously launched themselves against the pipes, penetrating them with their sword like appendages and sacrificing their lives for the cause.

Noble as this might sound the ramifications of this revolution has surly affected, not only Angola, but also the rest of Africa. At the University of Stellenbosch new undersea fibre optic cables (Seacom cables) have recently helped to upgrade the overall internet connection. Unfortunately, this week the connection was disturbed, causing wide spread panic and a malfunction in “THE INTERWEB”.

Allegedly the East coast sword fish have decided to join their underwater brethren and attack the monstrous cables that are invading their habitat. Witnesses have claimed that they saw militarised groups of swordfish all along the east coast of Africa in the past weeks. Gashes and various marks have been found by Seacom workers on some of their cables, but it has not yet been confirmed that the swordfish are responsible for this.

The situation has been enflamed even further by malicious groups of Somali Pirates who are enraged by the aquatic revolt. They claim that their cause is legitimate and that these new militant groups of fish are pulling attention away from the real problems. Undercover journalists in the ranks of the pirates have confirmed that the pirates will temporarily stop attacking ships and focus their rage on the marine life.

The question on all lips now is what Angola will do to fix this horrific situation that they have clearly ushered Africa into. A delegation of Students from the University of Stellenbosch will be sent to Cambinda to host negotiations between the Angolan government and the Cabindan Forum for Dialogue and Peace. It is believed that both these factions will be needed to find a solution for the problem.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Evidence of Aliens?

Soon I will folow in the footsteps of the magnanimous and heroic Wikus van der Merwe. Embarkin on the journy of a fast paced transformation into a awesome, but terrifying alien. I hope I will get cool guns as well!

Stranger things happen in China, but here I offer you official proof of Aliens in China. This is directly from the embassy website.

"In accordance with the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Entry and Exit of Aliens" and other relevant regulations, the aliens who apply for Chinese visas are required to fulfill the following procedures"

SO there..
Alieeeens ooooh

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Could carbon nonotubes be as dangerous as asbestos?

Nanotubes of DEATH

We have all heard stories of past generations dying of asbestoses and getting cancer from prolonged exposure to it. Billions of dollars has been spent on asbestos lawsuits. Mass amounts of money is also spent on building sites to minimise asbestos risks. Most of us have also heard of carbon nanotubes, the new wonder of science that will enable human kind to reach new levels of greatness and literally new heights (Michio Kaku's space elevator).

The billion dollar question now is whether carbon nanotubes could pose a similar threat as asbestos does? This is the question scientists such as Doctor Andrew Maynard at the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars in Washington are investigating. He says that further studies are a definite necessity. If longer strands of nanotube fibre becomes airborne (in manufacturing or destruction for example) it could pose similar risks as asbestos, said Ken Donaldson, professor at the University of Edinburgh. These long strands could become ensnared in the mesothelium, which is soft tissue that surrounds many of our organs. If this happens it could eventually lead to malignant tumors, which you do not want for it can lead to death within six to eighteen months.

There have been some studies in the UK on this subject in recent years. The studies support the potential threat of the carbon nanotubes. Still no conclusive evidence has been found to halter our dreams of visiting space in our super high tech, next level, space elevators.

Picture: top nanotubes, bottom asbestos from:

Read More:

IMF is optimistic and Asia Kicks Ass

IMF is optimistic and Asia Kicks Ass

The IMF has increased the expected GDP growth of the world from 3.9% to 4.2% for this year. India and China are leading this growth trend and are way ahead of Europe and the US. Nice!

Read this if you want to know more:

Earth Day

Man must feel the earth to know him
and recognize his values.
God made life simple.
It is man who complicates it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Strong Rand
As the earnings in the US and other first world countries are again rising, investors are motivated to invest in riskier options. South Africa, being a quite risky investment area, has benefited from increased foreign direct and portfolio investment in the last couple of months. This has helped the Rand to become stronger. This is but one influence in explaining the strong Rand though. The Soccer World Cup and many other factors also comes into play. It should also be noted that the strength of the Rand has now only returned too levels seen before the global financial crisis.


I graciously accept my MUBA award and will honer and uphold the standards and ethical practices that are necessitated by the agreement of MUBA on January 9, 2010.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Studying is teh Fun!

Todays Quotes:
When 900 years you reach, look as good, you will not.
-- Yoda

Art is that thing having to do only with itself—the product of a successful attempt to make a work of art. Unfortunately, there are no expamples of art, nor good reasons to think that it will ever exist. (Everything that has been made has been made with a purpose, teverything with an end exists outside of that thing, i.e., "I want to sell this", or "I want this to make me famous and loved", or "I want this to make me whole", or worse, "I want this to make others whole.") And yet we continue to write, paint, sculpt and compose. Is this foolish of us?"
Jonathan Safran Foer (Everything Is Illuminated)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Raai waar was ek vandag.
Today I received a new Chinese name

From my friend in Hong Kong, Kit Tang:

盧柏倫is much better than the old one 巴煙肉...

your surname 'Lutz'

cypress, the symbol of 'long live' in Chinese culture

'in order', 'well-organized', 'moral' in Confucian sense

It's a proper Chinese name that not many 'gui lo' have the privilege to get. Enjoy!

You pronounce it Lo Pak Lun.

The old name was Ba Yin Yuk which means Baconman and sounds a bit like Barend. Lo Pak Lun sounds much cooler and I think will be a bit more fitting than Baconman, though it would be cool to have the powers of BACONMAAN...Mmm!

So hi, I am 盧柏倫

Friday, April 16, 2010

Goeie Dag een en almal! This is the first Blog entry and I am greeting the privileged of you who have the honor of reading it. Sup.

Today I am aspiring to be two whales.

Step 1: Change your mission on Couch Surfing website.
Step 2:...
Step 3: You are two whales.

Fun Fun